The Real Hero
The Real Hero
Intention: The Key to Habits w/ Ryan Bennett
*If you are someone that loves to develop key HABITS for self-growth, then this podcast is for YOU.*
In episode 27, Andrew Winters has a impactful conversation with Former ESPN All-American Academic, High-Performance Coach, Author, and Keynote Speaker, Ryan Bennett. The main topics we discuss in the podcast are The Intentional Growth Model, neuroscience of our brains for habit development, daily disciplines, importance of compounding small goals, and the ability to replace habits.
Key aspects to consider while listening:
- Understand the difference between Intentional Growth vs. Smart Goal Setting.
- Establishing daily disciplines.
- 4 major elements of The Intentional Growth Model.
If you enjoyed listening to this episode, please let Ryan and myself know on social media - we would love to hear from all of you. Also, The Real Hero podcast can now be listened to on google podcasts, Spotify, and of course iTunes on Apple Podcasts. If you do have the time and are an apple phone user, you can leave a review here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-real-hero/id1506992220?uo=4. All reviews are greatly appreciated! @andrewdwinters & @ ryan.performancecoach
To connect with http://ryanabennett.com/ main platform click here and visit {insert guest website}. To connect with me and The Real Hero Facebook page go to https://linktr.ee/TheRealHero. Find out all the new updates for the podcast, as well as weekly self-developmental tips!